Not Sure how to Monetize your Podcast?

Create real relationships that drive exponential growth to your business and personal brand.

Meet the host

Adam posner has hosted over 200 episodes of #thepozcast since he started recording back in 2019. During that time, he’s formed real and meaningful connections with his guests and found a way to create shared value.

now, adam is sharing his process and key tips to turning your podcast or platform into the most powerful business development tool in your arsenal.

With the pozcourse, you’ll learn how to activate your podcast to bring new value into your business, without sacrificing the quality of your show or the relationships that make it possible

How does the pozcourse help me make money with my show?

The Roadmap

CHAPTER 1: The Question -- Am I Starting a Podcast?

To pod, or not to pod? We’ll help you decide if a podcast is worth the time investment for you.

CHAPTER 2: The Foundation -- Where do I Start?

OK, I’ve decided to create a show. How do I do that and what should it be about?

CHAPTER 3: The Traction -- Business Development

Great! I’ve started recording and it’s going great. So how exactly do I build a business with it?

CHAPTER 4: The Show -- Production & Post-Production

Wow, podcasting is a lot of work. How do I make the most of my time and edit my episodes quickly, without sacrificing quality?

CHAPTER 5: Measuring ROI -- Keep it Going & Growing

I’m getting the hang of this! Now how do I make sure I’m staying on track and getting the most out of this as possible?

CHAPTER 6: Parting Wisdom & The Road Looking Forward

So that’s the business of podcasting. How do I keep this going successfully for the future, and what do I need to look out for?

What People Are Saying


“This is the modern blueprint on how to build out a podcast that builds your brand, lands you clients, and makes a real impact! 

Seeing Adam build his podcast first hand and being on the show, it was obvious he was doing something special behind the scenes. And now going through this course, you get to see exactly what that is and how he does it! 

He holds nothing back in the Pozcourse! If you’re thinking about starting a podcast or want to supercharge an existing one, this is an absolute must have! ”

— Alex Sheridan

CEO & Founder

Impaxs Marketing

“Adam Posner is the master at leveraging podcasting to build a brand and network and acquire new clients in the corporate space. Lots of people are making podcasts for the masses but very few know how to leverage a podcast in B2B and Adam does it masterfully.

I’ve been trying to do this as well and have not enjoyed nearly as much success as Adam, so I have been watching him and learning what I can and was excited to get my hands on this course and also happy to see Adam has laid everything out step by step so we can replicate his success. I’m a fan!”

— Andy storch

Author, Founder & Host of

The Andy Storch Show

“Adam and I got connected on LinkedIn because of podcasting and found we had far more in common, including the mentorship we’ve received from Gary Vaynerchuk.

The most important thing you need to know about Adam is that he does things THE RIGHT WAY and this course is no exception.

In a world of shortcuts, false promises, and vanity plays - Adam doesn’t compromise his values which is why he created this playbook.

This course will not only teach how to bridge podcasting and business development, but also on how to show up authentically.”

— Rich CardonA


Rich Cardona Media

If you know Adam Posner at all then you know he doesn’t hold back when it comes to sharing how he feels about ANYTHING!

He is as direct as they come, and will always make it clear what he believes. What you get when you take The POZcourse is Adam’s unfiltered, honest, and action-oriented guidance on what it takes to create a podcast that will deliver results.  But not just any kind of results…his framework allows you to leverage a podcast to form solid business relationships that will generate real business.

If you want a no-fluff, step-by-step action plan to start a podcast or take your existing podcast to the next level, then look no further. The POZcourse reveals the lessons Adam learned by actually doing. 

He doesn’t hold anything back and gives you everything you need to set yourself up for success! The principles he's developed based on his experience will help you use your podcast as a business accelerator.  And best of all, he has created the course in such a way that it's like having a sit-down conversation with him where you ask him questions and he gives you his thoughts is true Adam fashion! This course is an absolute no-brainer if you want to learn from someone who has been down the path you want to go!”

Billy Samoa Saleebey

CEO & Cofounder POdify

“When it comes to building an organic and sustainable network - Adam has you covered. I would highly recommend Adam’s course to build a network from your podcast to drive leads for your business. He will teach you how to showcase your expertise to grow a personal brand and put on a quality podcast that will actually be worth your time.

Adam doesn’t take short cuts or believe in hacks. He does it the right way and that’s why I can stand behind his work.”

Hala Taha

CEO & founder YAP Media



Do I need to already have a podcast to start this course?

Nope! We assume that people taking this course don’t have a show yet, and we take you through the very beginning stages of starting a show. We talk through whether or not a podcast is right for you, what the show should be about, the format, and everything else you’ll need to get started.

Is this course about podcast production?

This course is focused on business development and how to drive real results for your business through the platform of podcasting. That being said, we do discuss the most important elements of production from the lens of someone who has learned through trial and error. We also make certain suggestions on equipment for entry level podcasters just trying to get their show rolling.

Is this course only for entrepreneurs, or can I use it for my job?

It’s great for anyone that hosts, works on, or even consults with a podcast that’s looking to develop real relationships with their guests. This course will make sure that you focus on the most important tasks that lead to the creation and maintenance of a great show, and the establishment of relationships that can help drive your business in a more effective and efficient manner.

Do I need a following to start my show with this course?

Whether you’ll start out with one listener or 100,000, you can learn from this course. Of course having a following will help you grow faster— but going through this course will help you take advantage of every opportunity from the beginning if you’re just starting out.

Will I learn how to get sponsorships for my show?

While we don’t focus on sponsorships in this course specifically, the strategies and processes discussed to develop relationships could be applied to those that you’d like to receive sponsorship from. Essentially, you’ll be learning something much more important— how to navigate the podcasting world and those who effect the business around it. This is how you start to develop multiple fruitful revenue streams stemming from your show.

Is this only for people like adam who work in talent access and recruiting?

The fundamentals taught in this course can be applied to many industries outside of the world of Talent Access, HR, and recruiting. Relationships are important in any industry, and this course will teach you how to develop relationships in a more meaningful way than ever before.